Bolivar County
Population: 479 in 1900
1001 in 1910
in 1920
in 1940
in 1950
in 1960
Town incorporated: 3-25-1886
Post office: Sims- 2-6-1885 to 8-4-1887
Cleveland- 8-5-1887 to present
Railroads: M&V- LNO&T-
Next Town North- Renova
Milepost 113.6
(from Memphis, TN)
Next Town South- Boyle
soil survey map
1964 USGS topo map
HISTORY by Tony Howe:
1920 Y&MV track profile updated to 1939- Collection of Robert Tomb

1920 Y&MV track profile updated to 1939- Collection of Robert Tomb
Cleveland depot, looking north, in August 1982. |
1915 view of the Y&MV depot in Cleveland. |
Coaling facility at Cleveland in 1912. |
BUSINESSES (per R.G. Dun & Co.)-
If you have any corrections or
additional info, we would love to hear from you! We are always looking for
additional photos, too. Find our contact info below.