C. Schryver Lumber Co.
36" gauge, 25, 30 & 35-lb rail
Mill Location: Louisville, MS (Winston County)
Mill Capacity: 75,000 ft/day (3 mills combined)
Years of Operation: 1911-1921
Miles Operated: 7 miles in 1917
Locomotives Owned: 2
Other Equipment:
See also:
R. L. Mitchell Lumber Co.
D. L. Fair Lumber Co.
Click Map for Larger Version |
by Gil Hoffman:
C. Schryver began his lumbering career in Chicago in the 1870's. From there
he moved to San Antonio, Texas where he was associated with the firm of
Martin & Schryver, railroad contractors. In 1908 he established at
lumber operation at Lake, Mississippi under the name Scott County Lumber
Company. After cutting out in the summer of 1909, he moved to Forest, Scott
early 1911 Schryver purchased about 25,000,000 feet of shortleaf timber near
Louisville, Winston County, and in September 1911 began a sawmill operation
at Louisville under the name A. C. Schryver Lumber Company.
company's sawmills were about nine miles out in the country from Louisville,
while the planing mill and dry kilns were in Louisville. Mules were used to
haul the lumber from the sawmills to the planing mill while a narrow gauge
railroad was used to haul logs to the mills. The company made a specialty of
long joists, short dimension, heavy timbers and dressed finish. By 1918 the
company was operating three sawmills with a combined output of 75,000 feet
daily, and controlled the output of three more mills giving it a combined
output of more than 100,000 feet per day. It also owned about 7,000 acres of
shortleaf pine timber land and had timber rights on about 5,000 more acres.
A. C. Schryver's death, on April 17, 1916, his widow, Olive Schryver became
sole owner of the sawmill business. L. H. Stubblefield, who had been with
the company for six years as bookkeeper and assistant manager, then took
over as manager. In March 1921 the entire holdings were sold to the R.
L. Mitchell Lumber Company.
ROSTER by Gil Hoffman:
2-7x12 26"
36" gauge
Lima 1540
12-1905 Kaufman
Stave & Lumber Co. #1, Spot, TN (wood rail); to
Louis C. Mathey, Spot, TN; to A. C. Schryver Lumber Co., Louisville, MS,
in 3-1921; R. L. Mitchell Lbr. Co., Louisville, MS; For sale 7-1922. (GHH)
26 ½"
36" gauge
Tallahatta Lbr. Co. #4, Chunky, Miss.; to Climax Saw Mill Co.,
Climax, AL by 11-1918; to A.
C. Schryver Lumber Co., Louisville, MS; to R. L. Mitchell Lumber Co. #1,
Louisville, MS, in 3-1921; to D.
L. Fair Lbr. Co. #4, Louisville, MS in 2-1926, For sale 2-1929. (GHH)
For more information contact
Tony Howe at tonyhowe76@yahoo.com
or David S. Price at dsprice46@bellsouth.net