Jackson & Columbus Railroad
42" Gauge, 35-lb rail
Headquarters: Natchez, MS (Adams County)
Years of Operation: 1873-1890
Predecessor road: none
Successor road: LNO&T
Miles Operated: 100
Locomotives Owned: 5
1889- 6 locomotives, 4 passenger, 2 combines, 39 box, 3
stock, 27 flats, 4 coal, 2 cabooses, 1 boarding car, 1 pile driver |
Click Map for Larger Version |
by Gil Hoffman and Tony Howe:
The Natchez, Jackson & Columbus Railroad was
chartered on July 21, 1870, and opened in January 1879 from Natchez to
Martins, Mississippi, 43 miles. It was completed to Jackson on Sept 14,
1882. Officers of the road were: W. T. Martin, of Natchez, president; J.
H. Fitzpatrick, of Natchez, secretary, and G. W. Koontz, of Natchez,
treasurer. It was nicknamed The Little J" to distinguish it from the
NOJ&GN, then nicknamed the "Big J." On March 28, 1890 the
NJ&C was sold to the Louisville, New Orleans & Texas Railroad, who
converted the line to standard gauge. It operated as a branch of the
Y&MV, and later Illinois Central, until the line was abandoned by ICG
in 1979 and 1981.

1885 Official Guide of the Railways |
For more information contact
Tony Howe at tonyhowe76@yahoo.com
or David S. Price at davidsprice46@gmail.com
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